星期六, 10月 22, 2005

Math Quotes

The object of mathematics is the honor of the human spirit.

– Carl Jacobi

I keep the subject constantly before me and wait till the first dawnings open little by little into the full light.

– Sir Isaac Newton

Mathematicians do not study objects, but relations among objects; they are indifferent to the replacement of objects by others as long as the relations don't change. Matter is not important, only form interests them.

– Henri Poincaré

Mathematics is not a deductive science � that's a clich�. When you try to prove a theorem, you don't just list the hypotheses, and then start to reason. What you do is trial and error, experimentation, guess-work.

– Paul Richard Halmos

The scientist does not study nature because it is useful; he studies it because he delights in it, and he delights in it because it is beautiful. If nature were not beautiful, it would not be worth knowing, and if nature were not worth knowing, life would not be worth living.

– Henri Poincaré

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星期日, 10月 16, 2005

Quotations by Aldous Huxley (1894 - 1963)

Ref.: Quotations by Aldous Huxley (1894 - 1963)

Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
Aldous Huxley, "Proper Studies", 1927

Experience teaches only the teachable.
Aldous Huxley

An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex.
Aldous Huxley

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星期日, 10月 09, 2005

自由經濟的魅力 - 明日資本主義

"自由經濟的魅力 - 明日資本主義" 這是一本很老舊的書, 是我之前在舊書店買到的. 原作是 "Tomorrow Capitalism" by Herni Lepage, 中譯者為夏道平, 馬凱, 林全, 吳惠林.


不過現今已經有一種可以反應集體偏好的系統出現---意即新的"需求顯示過程"系統. 這個系統比以王的任何系統都更民主, 他的內涵無法以三言兩語說得清楚; 本質上, 這個方法是以"計數的"偏好(cardinal preference)來代替"序列的"偏好(ordinal prefernce). 也就是說, 他並不投"是"或"否"的票, 來贊成或反對一種政策也不只是在兩種政策之間做選擇, 而是投票者(在他種因素不變下)願意支付什麼樣的價格來接受或拒絕一個政策.(page 164)

細節我就不多打了. 這個理論已經是多年前提出的了, 現在有什麼樣的更新和反省出現我都不知道. 但是我還是蠻喜歡這樣的概念的. 雖然我認為這樣的機制太複雜了. 但是很多實行上太複雜的東西, 我們是有可以依賴技術的進步來達成, 像是我之前提到的媒體審議的問題一樣, 我們可以不可玩出新把戲? 類似的論述出現在該書討論消費主義的時候. (page 222)

我們不應該因為有不實的現象, 就想用限制廣告的方式(這會同時提高財貨和不良資訊的成本)來保護資訊市場, 而是應該致力於減少"所有"資訊的成本. 如此一來, 消費者利用相同的資源, 就能得到較高品質的資訊, 而不實資訊也將消失. 在我們的社會中, 真正的浪費並非來自於自由運作的市場, 而是來自於新的資訊技術(例如, 由競爭性消費者聯盟, 來經營資料庫)發展上的阻礙, 以及資訊市場競爭的種種限制.

另一段我覺得很有意思的是討論要不要強制戴安全帽和安全帶的問題.有些人認為, 強制綁安全帶會使駕駛人的冒險成本降低, 所以反而會鼓勵駕駛人冒險. 也有些人認為, 政府沒有權力限制駕駛人冒險. 不戴安全帽祇會使自己掛掉而已, 並不會妨礙他人. 本書則是認為私人保險制度是比較有效率的作法.

由於採取私人保險制度, 不戴安全帽其車的保險費用比較高, 所以機車騎士就會較小心駕駛, 以保持優良的駕駛紀錄降低保費, 或者甚至放棄騎機車. 不管是哪種方式, 都不必經由公共安全網(public safety nets)來壓制肇事率

禁止人民去冒險, 即使並不侵害人權, 也是不切實際的. 譬如我們也該禁止爬山和划船, 因為, 這兩種活動每年都得耗費許多公眾的錢從事救難.

我們必須強制每一個人, 支付自己的冒險成本. 只有這種方式, 才能使社會上集體和個人的冒險成本達到極小.

換句話說, 社會安全和管制, 表面上似乎是在保護人民安全, 實際上卻是補貼那些喜好冒險的人. 他們甚至於不能補貼社會上"有用的"風險!


常常在電視上看到一些報導, 雖然很可憐....可是有時候又想說....活該! 這就是所謂的可憐之人必有可恨之處阿. 我自己也出過車禍, 幸好家裡有保險(我一年要繳不少保費吶), 不過對一些窮苦的人來說, 或者說家境中下的家庭來說. 出一次問題, 家中的積蓄可能就要去一大半. 就算傷者並沒有任何後遺症, 但是也是一大打擊阿, 譬如說存了一筆錢想付買房子的頭期款, 結果卻花在醫藥費之上....

不過回到經濟的角度來說, 除了醫療救難成本之外, 冒險者真的沒有造成其他的外部效果嗎? 雖然我只是聽人家說過社會學大師涂爾幹研究過社會和自殺行為的關係. 這些冒險者難道就不會造成他人的心理障礙嗎?這筆帳又該怎麼算?

順便提一下, 該書在討論社會福利問題時, 也提到了大學教育. 提到了傅利曼一段很有意思的看法.

根據傅利曼的看法, 在當今的體制下, 由於學生並沒有支付教學的真實成本, 所謂的學生權利(student power)是不存在的. 因此, 對於大學的消費者而言, 大學是居於獨佔的地位.

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星期二, 10月 04, 2005


Metabolism is the biochemical modification of chemical compounds in living organisms and cells. This includes the biosynthesis of complex organic molecules (anabolism) and their breakdown (catabolism). Metabolism usually consists of sequences of enzymatic steps, also called metabolic pathways. The total metabolism are all biochemical processes of an organism. The cell metabolism includes all chemical processes in a cell.

In biochemistry, a metabolic pathway is a series of chemical reactions occurring within a cell, catalyzed by enzymes, to achieve in either the formation of a metabolic product to be used or stored by the cell, or the initiation of another metabolic pathway (then called a flux generating step). Many of these pathways are elaborate, and involve a step by step modification of the initial substance to shape it into the product with the exact chemical structure desired.

A primosome is a complex of two proteins (primase and helicase), that initiates RNA primers on the lagging DNA strand during DNA replication.(Ref.: Figure 24.1 of Biochemistry (3rd Edition) by Christopher K. Mathews, Kensal E. van Holde, Kevin G. Ahern )

E. coli is Escherichia coli (大腸桿菌是現代生物學中研究最多的一種細菌,作為一種模式生物,其基因組序列已全部測出。用分子生物學方法在大腸桿菌得出的結論可用於其它生物的研究。此外,在生物工程中,大腸桿菌被廣泛用於基因克隆和表達的宿主。 Ref.: 大腸桿菌)


* 人們已經發現兩類生物催化劑:

1. 普通酶(Enzyme)是有活細胞合成的、對其特異底物(Substrate)起高效催化作用的蛋白質,是機體內催化各種代謝反應的最主要的催化劑;
2. 核酶(Ribozyme)是具有高效、特異催化作用的核酸,是近年來發現的一類新的生物催化劑,其作用主要是參與RNA

An enzyme (from Greek énsimo (ένζυμο), formed by én = at or in and simo = leaven or yeast) is a protein that catalyzes, or speeds up, a chemical reaction.

In biochemistry, a substrate is a molecule which is acted upon by an enzyme.

A catalyst (Greek: καταλύτης, catalytēs) is a substance that accelerates the rate (speed) of a chemical reaction without itself being transformed or consumed by the reaction (see also catalysis). A catalyst participates in the reaction but is neither a chemical reactant nor a chemical product.

如果說,enyzme 的是生化反應的催化劑,catalyst 也是催化劑,那 enzymes-catalyzed process 指的是什麼?

"Lock and key" hypothesis: Enzymes are very specific and it was suggested by Emil Fischer in 1890 that this was because the enzyme had a particular shape into which the substrate(s) fit exactly. This is often referred to as "the lock and key" hypothesis. An enzyme combines with its substrate(s) to form a short lived enzyme-substrate complex.

Induced fit hypothesis

In 1958 Daniel Koshland suggested a modification to the "lock and key" hypothesis. Enzymes are rather flexible structures. The active site of an enzyme could be modified as the substrate interacts with the enzyme. The amino acids sidechains which make up the active site are molded into a precise shape which enables the enzyme to perform its catalytic function. In some cases the substrate molecule changes shape slightly as it enters the active site.

A suitable analogy would be that of a hand changing the shape of a glove as the glove is put on.

差別只是在於 Induced fit hypothesis 能夠動態地略為更動鑰匙孔(active site)和鑰匙(reactants)的形狀以互相配合?

The active site of an enzyme is the binding site where catalysis occurs. The structure and chemical properties of the active site allow the recognition and binding of the substrate.

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《數學與數學人》第四輯 印象‧走近數學人——《與數學大師面對面》

羅煒 博士與 BBS 網友在線交流實錄

Q :羅老師,您好!數學大師丘先生是您的導師,但是丘教授很忙,他對您有過多少直接的指導。另外,您是不是覺得在國內做研究各方面都不如美國那邊。直接說就是,討論的環境,以及物資上的支持。

Luo :做丘成桐教授的學生需要獨立性比較強,但是因為討論班頻繁,還是可以每週見到他幾次的;丘成桐教授起到了很好的榜樣作用;國內的數學環境正在不斷改善,我覺得現在的障礙不是客觀環境,而是學生因為對這種不太大的客觀環境的障礙產生的主觀上的惰性。

劉克峰 教授、 周堅 教授與 BBS 網友在線交流實錄

Q :如果發現自己所喜歡的方向和導師的方向不一致,這時候意味著只能靠自己讀書寫文章而沒有老師的指導了但作為一個學生,總會覺得自己勢單力薄,會有一種失去方向,很無助的感覺,這時候該怎麼辦?

Zhou :堅持呀。哈代曾經說過一個人是否適合學數學的標準是看他是否能夠超過他的導師,如果你跟導師方向相同的話可能會覺得難以超越他,但如果方向不一致的話,你會發現很容易超過他,很多人都需要有這樣一個經歷,發現自已有些方面懂得比導師要多,你已經做到這一點了,堅持吧。國外很多學生都不是跟自已導師學的,比如說劉老師就沒有去取丘先生的真經,而是在不同的方向上有了自已的建樹。

Q :劉老師、周老師,你們好!不能談談你們的愛情史呀?給我們介紹一下經驗呀,呵呵。

Liu : 13 歲的時候對我現在的太太一見鍾情,我學好數學讓她對我有個好印象。所以就成了數學家。

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星期六, 10月 01, 2005





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